Benbrook Library / Exhibits

Texas History, ‘Toon Style

  In my high school world history class*, we were once assigned to create a political cartoon about some historical event, person, or idea we had studied. I chose to make mine about the Mongols, and because I’ve always had a Seinfeldian inclination to make things silly whenever possible, I drew a speeding freight train … Continue reading

Benbrook Library / Exhibits

The Library Cowboys Up

In Texas, we sure love our Cowboys. I don’t mean the Cowboys of the gridiron, though many of us continue to steadfastly love them through spirit-dropping “drops” and heartbreak-inducing collarbone breaks. No, I’m talking about the real thing: Ropin’, ridin’, six-shootin’, cattle drivin’, camp fire song singin’ cowboys (clearly, all my knowledge of cowboys comes … Continue reading